Bow Wow Korea, started as the Korea's first manufacturer of general pet treats in 1997, has opened a new chapter of domestic pet treat industry, taking creative value of putting research and technical development before sales as its motto, based upon a firm principle towards good foods ever since it jumped into dog food industry, and has fulfilled its duty of offering dog foods that satisfy different preferences of dog owners' through continuous development of new products and new businesses.
Bow Wow Korea, continuing to grow with customers' generous support, has been expanded and relocated to Dalsan-ri, Jeonggwan-eup, Gijang-gun, in order to offer the best quality products and services. We, Bow Wow Korea, are planning to practise customer-centered management for repaying our customers, dog lovers, with the leading food- and feed-processing technology in a new, advanced environment.
Bow Wow Korea's challenge to the world and advancement begin with the world's best quality and technology.
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